Tarot Reading Free


What's the Basis of Tarot Reading Free Websites?

The tarot is read through the arrangement of cards that is drawn from a deck that has been shuffled. The cards' layout is called a spread and it determines what each card refers to. An example is the Two Paths spread. This spread uses cards to represent the different options and their outcomes so it is used to understand an upcoming decision.

In a deck of tarot cards, there are 78 cards. There are 2 groups in a deck. The groups are called major arcana and minor arcana. The major arcana cards or the trumps are the The Lovers, The Fool, The Pope and The World.

There are 22 cards in the major arcana group. The minor arcana cards are divided into four suites and each suites is composed of fourteen cards. These suits are called Swords, Cups, Wands and Pentacles.
Wands are sometimes called Rods or Staves while Pentacles are sometimes called Coins or Discs. There are 56 cards in the minor arcana group.

Popularized by occult societies such as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the Tarot was quickly adopted as a tool for divination although it was first used in a game called Triumphs. The symbolism of Tarot was deeply rooted in Medieval and Renaissance Europe but it has grown to be incorporated to everything from Astrology and Kabbalah to Runes and the I Ching over the centuries.

In this modern times, the Tarot is used in the West popularly for spiritual introspection. Some people go for a tarot card reading to seek guidance during their troubled times and when their thoughts are clouded or unclear. Tarot cards are also used for future predictions and free readings. Free online reading are also available and there are some websites that offer a tarot reading free too for your convenience.